Vocal Artist: Emy LaLa Sayud
I know exactly who I am
And who I want to be
A real warrior princess
I’m happy being me
I’m focused and I’m fearless… I’m adventurous and brave
I’m a real warrior princess in a world we need to save
I can climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea
I’m a real warrior princess and my spirit’s soaring free
I know exactly who I am
And who I want to be
A real warrior princess
I’m happy being me
You’re sure to find me searching for my most exciting dreams
In many diff’rent places where I’ve never ever been
But by your side’s my fav’rite place I’ll always want to be
You’re a real warrior princess too… a true-blue friend to me
I know exactly who I am
And who I want to be
A real warrior princess
I’m happy being me
We’ll be best friends forever… yes we’ll climb the tallest tree
Way up on its highest branches we’ll discover more to see
We’ll have lots of fun together while through the silky sky
Just like tickles from a feather our silly giggles fly
I know exactly who I am
And who I want to be
A real warrior princess
I’m happy being me
Contact Damon Leigh

